Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How to Start a Clothing Line - The unblemished Guide

Masters In Fashion Merchandising - How to Start a Clothing Line - The unblemished Guide
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Step 1. Store Research

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How is How to Start a Clothing Line - The unblemished Guide

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Masters In Fashion Merchandising.

Conducting Store study is crucial to the success of your line. You need to decree what trends are popular, what styles are selling, what kind does your idea fit into, what demographic age group does the line petition to, what price point(s) are similar lines being sold at, etc. The best way to answer these questions is to! Shop the local malls, online and specialty stores for where you think your clothes might be sold. Look at what's on the rack, the prices and what items are selling. Talk to sales reps, managers, store owners and ask customers to get a feel for what's out there, selling and what customers are asking for. The answers will be priceless! This Process Is Ongoing And Continues Throughout The Year Every Selling Season.

Step 2. Branding your clothing line

Decide what type of clothing you want to make. What is the petition of your clothes? Is your new line conservative or fashion forward? In other words, when habitancy think of your clothing line, what do you want them to think? Define your style and set a theme for the line you plan to create. You will refine and continue to organize your Brand as much as potential as your company grows.

Step 3. Name, Trademark & domain registration

Choose a name for your clothing line and trademark it. You should do a trademark hunt for the name you have chosen to make sure there are no other businesses or associates already using that name. If the name is available, register it with the United States Patent office.

You should buy the Web domain name for your clothing line as well. Domain names on the Internet are being sold quickly, so make sure you buy one with the name of your clothing line right away. You should organize a website to show perspective buyers your line as it will be the first place they will look to post themselves with your clothing and wholesale price points.

Furthermore, register your company as a D.B.A. Or Llc with your city clerk, and then get a bank list under your new business's name. These are all foremost steps to take before you begin to certainly organize and yield clothes.

Step 4. Create idea sketches

Based on the findings from your Store study and Brand identity, you are now ready to come up with clothing styles and descriptive artwork to bring that idea to life. Be fun, creative and original. This is fashion! Your organize sketches should reflect the images of your target consumer, age group, price points and current trends in styles. You should Create an inspiration board of images, fabrics, anything that inspires you. Once you have the designs, fabrics and trims, organize all onto large art boards so you can see the whole line at once.

A. organize 4 color idea sketches

B. Select fabrics and trims to match w/ each style

C. Create Apparel line story boards - organized presentation of all styles, F.A.T. Choices

Step 5. Source Materials

After you have created sketches of the clothing line, you should begin mental about the materials you will use to make your product come to life. You'll have to find all from fabric to buttons to zippers and linings. all you Select must be ready in mass quantities and in the right colors.

Step 6. Edit styles for sample development

The next step is to edit your idea line. Not every style you Create will make it to sample development. Edit the sketches to the best styles, potential hot sellers, and looks that capture what you are trying to say with your clothing brand. Ask yourself," Do the chosen styles reflect your former concept?

Note: Keep in mind allocation constraints, time, and availability of raw materials. Part of your decision of what styles to send to sample improvement will be what the prime styles cost to organize garment samples and send to production. You only have so much money.

You must also reconsider the time available. How long will it take to get the garment samples done in time to go to Store for the upcoming season? In general, apparel markets open 6 months ahead. For Fall delivery in September - markets open in early February. For Spring delivery in March - markets open in early September. What season are you working on? Do you have enough time?

In addition, any raw materials needed to make your clothing line must be ready in mass quantities to fulfill the production orders at the time of production. Unless you have the money to pre order your raw materials and the warehouse space to store it, try to avoid limited quantity fabrics and trims.

Add, subtract and continue editing your idea sketches until you have prime the appropriate amount of designs to enter sample development.

Warning: Don'T Create A Skeleton Line! Put enough samples into improvement to be able to merchandise your line (I'll get into this in more detail later). For now, know that Buyers want to see options when they look at your line.

Step 7. Sample Garment Development

After you decree what styles best relate the idea of your clothing line agreeing to theme, budget, time and ready raw materials, the next step is to Create "Sample" garments of each style to test the look, fit and wear quality in real life. Developing "prototype" sample garments of your clothing line is a process moving corrections, changes and alterations. Here is an form of that process:

1. Translate idea sketches into flat technical organize drawings w/ specs.

a. Tech drawings are blueprints of each garment in the line

b. More factories now need a tech. Drawing instead of a sketch

c. You can eliminate many organize mistakes in this stage

2. Create 1st patterns - generic pattern only, normally fitting issues will cause corrections.

a. Based on corrected technical organize drawing

b. Based on supplied fit sample - a garment found from shopping to base the first pattern off of

3. Sew sample garments in mock fabric - conduct a sample garment fitting test, indicate corrections in fit, style and send back samples with corrections marked

a. First round testing of clothing line for fit, pattern accurately

b. Test garments on a real person, not a mannequin

c. Cheap mock fabrics used that behaves like final fabrics

d. Upon observation, style changes to garment may be made

4. Make corrections to 1st pattern, sew other sample or cut final sample garment,

and send back to rate permissible fit - make any final corrections to pattern.

Option: Cut To Final Garment Or Cut other Sample? The first round of pattern corrections from the first garment fit test will take care of most, if not all the problems while sample development. Depending upon the amount of corrections needed from the first fit test, you may decree to make other fit sample or go ahead and cut the "final" sample garments. Keep in mind that fit is all in this business. If a garment does not fit correctly, would you buy it?

5. Get approval to "Cut to final" sample garments. Prep Tech. Pac. For factory

6. Cut final specialist patterns, grade sizes and deliver full organize tech. Box w/ sample garments to

factory ready for sewing pre-production stage.

7. Factory sends back "proto" samples based on tech. Pac. And samples sent over.

8. Factory sews "final" showroom samples of the line for sales, marketing and catalog

Step 8. Merchandise your Clothing line

Buyers want to see options when they look at your line. Coordinate items in the line so that they go together. Merchandising is all about expanding sales straight through a well coordinated line so that it has maximum petition to buyers. Ideally, think of yourself when you go shopping. Find a shirt to go with a pair of pants, sweater, etc. Coordinate with fabrics, colors, trims, finishes or other styles in the line to give any looks that might petition to buyers. The goal is to have the buyer place an order for as many items in the line as possible.

Step 9. Pricing the line and Prepping for market

a. Pricing -- It is time to price your clothing line. After you Add up all expense, then mark up clothes at least 50% over your costs to make a decent profit. list for negotiation with buyers as they will want better pricing for ordering more. Make sure each style "looks" like the price you are asking for it. Look at what similar styles sell for.

b. Pr -- Now that you have your clothing line appropriately priced, you are ready to start marketing and selling your line. You can Create catalogs of all your looks by hiring models, photographers and stylists to do a photoshoot. Second, prepare a press kit by creating a foresight statement about your fashion line, comprise a Designer bio and photographs from the fashion shoot. Create a line sheet(must have for the buyers); this document includes pictures, descriptions, prices and color(s) for every style in your clothing line.

Step 10. Selling your clothing line at market

a. It's time to make money! Rent out a booth at apparel trade shows, attend apparel Store weeks to get your new line in front of thousands of buyers. Your goal is to get orders, be very flexible with buyers!

b. Alternately, you can hire Designer Reps(sales agents) to sell your line for you. You will have to pay them a commission, upfront, for what ever they sell. Hire only experienced reps who have a lot of buyer contacts into stores you want to be in.

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