Monday, May 21, 2012

Consciousness, Bliss and Enlightenment Part 1

Fashion Merchandising Masters Degree - Consciousness, Bliss and Enlightenment Part 1
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Fashion Merchandising Masters Degree! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

With morning I arose to Cynthia's heart song dance -- uniquely dissimilar every time. I feel happy and alive today. Good. Secure. From this "Heart Song Dance" I perceive movement is improvement. And sound and movement are good ways to convert moods, bodily structure of ones body...even ones emotional and mental state.

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How is Consciousness, Bliss and Enlightenment Part 1

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Fashion Merchandising Masters Degree.

One can learn through Love rather than pain and suffering.

Cynthia and other gorgeous women in this movement class are piquant like sensuous cats on all fours, freely, unembarrassed. The music is flowing now and we easily enter into it. Whole class dancing at their own unique speed...most very slowly. Paying attentiveness is part of the practice--perhaps all of one's custom of daily living. Very minute instruction.

Mere minutes ago I was happily asleep in comfortable small clean shared quarters -- the slightest pungent smell of lemon polish pervades a chest of drawers. But communicating with people you've never met who have come to be suddenly your roommate is a strange touch for me.

Amazing to me people manage to get up this early (7:00 a.m. Or earlier) to participate in movement. people in this free flowing movement class are probably 17 -- 70+ years old. Everybody is silent before we begin. With awareness we crawl slowly colse to the room and begin, at the level of micro-movements, to slowly stand up. I usually stand with knees slightly bent.

And now my eyes are fulfilled, and I slowly open them in Huxley (a astounding large space) each of us dance and move uniquely in our own way. Diplomatic coaxing and suggestions from Cynthia. I am aware of my breath. Stomach relaxed.

Huxley has a high wooden ceiling with great windows that open inwardly -- set scenically in extraordinarily gorgeous green lush nature.

This touch in nature is a far cry from my usual surroundings in the City of L.A. Sometimes huge wall length reflective mirrors are exposed by withdrawn curtains. The room seems to duplicate in size and the face lighting adds a unique dimension. A beam of light shines in stirring the room. There is an old finely tuned ancient classy black piano in one projection of the huge space and in the opposite projection a astounding stereo theory -- music is playing softly but will convert tempo radically several times in the next 45 minutes. Sometimes a rug, soft mats or pillows cover the whole level shiny wooden floor.

The people are whirling, having bodily contact, piquant all over the room, jumping, standing still, emoting, avoiding eye contact, laughing, hugging, resting, meditating, stretching, having eye and smile contact, whirling, avoiding running into each other, piling on one another, lifting one another, practicing a yoga pose, sharing with the other people, being.

It is more fun than kindergarten and more free than old fashioned rock concerts at the Greek Theatre in L.A. (In the nature of this play one might turn a leaf or a rock into a musical instrument and get a unique sound or one might wear costumes or make faces or pretend one is a rock star an athlete or a dancer or singer -- all is allowed).

People come and go as they want (in some sessions) and no one is judging -- except perhaps you. The air face is clean and clear and crisp. The golden sun is rising and the mist moves over the cliffs and mountains casting shadows or playing with the forms and crags -- every occasion a new scene--a new view. Life is happening! I have jumped in!

Sometimes a paramount instructor lectures in Huxley or at times man plays the congo drum or there is a classically trained musician or instructor demonstrating his technique. One of my beloved classes was with the paramount Cellist David Darling and Al Huang. Electricity wildly alive in the environment. Genius at play.

One of my teachers used video feedback after we had all performed in our own way.

Someone might show specially ready museum quality photos of petroglyphs (300 -- 20,000+ years old from the Coso Range) aka cave drawings. Or as we sit in circles on pillows we may listen or share the stories of our lives -- or might get in touch with deep seated feelings. Others may temporarily doze off.

Still other workshops may have breathing or breath work or sacral cranial work or acupressure, shiatsu or, well the list is infinite. They even show movies. And there are places where one can borrow consciousness raising sound and video tapes. There is a bookshop in the main office filled with tapes and books and things one might need. Some come for room and board but most are here for workshops and seminars.

Uses of Huxley (named after English Author & consciousness pioneer Aldous Huxley) are many. (Like Big Sur itself -- "The Land of Many Uses.") people might be hanging out or in Love and Huxley is a beloved place to snuggle and feel safe and free at all hours.

It, like all of Esalen, is a happening and a place to work through stuff in one's life. Some classes teach the elderly how they can now move -- more slowly or differently and with less or no pain. The flavor of Esalen ranges from intense focused Tantric workshops -- a gazing into your time to come mates eyes or an early morning meeting by Esalen's staff to a room filled with canvas's and artists to people clobbering each other with pillows or production strange noises or movements. The space is clean and clear (cleaned after every workshop at least) and infinitely higher vibrationally than lowly existence (fast food restaurants and most of the places I use to hang out).

Outside of Huxley at night there could be a fire in the wood burning fireplace. A world paramount Schooner Operator could be playing classical guitar alone. While at the other end of the deck a merge of people are sipping tea or coffee. Others advent up from the baths refreshed and ready for sleep. merge of raccoons vibrating calmly colse to as a mystical lady tells you to fear not. Their scent uniquely pungent still to my memory. Sounds of nature flourish. Sparks from the crackling fire fly up into the Diplomatic breeze of the cool crisp evening toward the star filled universe surrounding us. Stratus clouds intermingle with silhouettes of tree branches.

I am pulled to morning meal not from hunger or appetite but because of the bountiful collection present to pick from. Something I am not use to. I'm a lunch guy not a morning meal guy. After a sumptuous morning meal of fruit and home baked bread I hit the baths. The view down to the baths is amazing.

The spring water for the baths are from the property. Esselen Indians use to bathe in these waters hundreds of years ago. The water from the natural hot springs are pumped up from below the ground and are determined healing. I've seen people drink the water even though it has a minute smell like sulfur. Strangely as a kid when I use to melt sulfur and other stuff from my chemistry set I use to all the time get a cold after accidentally inhaling the fumes. But here I have only had good experiences at the baths -- no side effects at all from the sulfer, people even drink this water for health (I tried it twice).

I was also never into hot water. But now that I live in the Pacific Northwest I have an appreciation for tubs. I'm glad I am usually not shy. And am amazed how non-sexual I find the baths. Bodies are of so many sorts. If women went topless I bet men would be less fixated on sex and Everybody would be more at peace. There is occasional attractiveness outward and often attractiveness inward found with people there and now here. We make sex overly important by our thoughts and conditioning and other societal games (make up, advertising, high heels -- my plan not Esalen's).

One fellow floating in the tubs brags that he is wealthy and seemed to tune into me and began speaking about a course I had been taking in L.A. It was astounding that he was expounding the very knowledge I was studying. One woman later was giving him undivided attention.

People are free to be nude at the baths. Only the occasional man wearing a bathing suit seems somehow out of sync to me. people honor their own relax level. Leisure and soaking are good and healthful things to do. Massage and the baths certainly go together well.

Offering a woman a massage at the baths (or anywhere) and having her accept is not unusual. I once saw John Lily at the baths. (The Scientist who facilitated interspecies transportation with man and Dolphin and who invented the isolation float tank).

In the inside baths we eye a merge of kids sliding over a bunch of oily massage tables over and over again. These tables were precariously close to the edge. I kept my fear in check that they might fly over the edge and down a steep cliff. What fun & creativity. The children were oblivious to any danger. My telling them to stop would have gone unheeded anyway. In seconds their parents arrived. But did not scold them or act worried but smiled all knowingly. And did not speak English. Sun shining, sea rolling, sky blue, birds flying, mist advent and going. People, laughing or talking. people from all over the world come to Esalen.

Later there is a yoga class that is so natural & excellent my body felt more enlivened than ever before in this lifetime! The movements were done very slowly. Very small and concise movements from a instructor who apparently knew more than most teachers of Yoga. Since she was a body employee too perhaps that knowledge was also utilized. (Quite a difference to some "Yoga teachers" who try to merge it with aerobics -- which I don't propose though certainly I need to do aerobics too at a dissimilar time).

I love to swim. And once I merge swimming with yoga and Tai Chi I am certainly in the Tao. Add a minute piano or meditation and I am in ecstasy.

There is a center -- a chakra, undeveloped in many people but present in all people -- known as the "ajna" center. It is also referred to as the "Christ Consciousness Center." Quite industrialized in wealthy persons who may not even know they are utilizing it -- and who industrialized it more fully in previous incarnations.

There are 7 major chakras. The ajna center is short for Arjuna the most paramount beloved disciple of Krishna (the Hindu Christ of 5000 years ago). It is the place of meditation and is certainly placed 1-3 inches in front of the bodily forehead. Slightly above and in the middle of the eyebrows. By holding ones attentiveness here one can feel or sense God's nearnessy and know him. The ajna center is obvious from the 3rd eye which is industrialized over time in exact manners.

The sun is rising and Arjuna is born in me. The sunlight is hitting my ajna center. I feel a warm glow spreading like a curative face light over my whole face and body.

And when one meditates one may feel or see something in ones head or not. In Meditation deep one experiences, at times, an inner light. It will be unique for you -- it won't necessarily be for you as it is for others. Meditation should be done alone and in groups (in aid to God and all that is). There are many forms.

Some have obvious results after their first yoga class others after years of Meditating. Finding a true Spiritual instructor to help you, at least at first, is extremely recommended. Email me if you would like a list of teachers. (My plan based on my experience). There are many forms! The ajna center is known as the sixth chakra. There are a total of seven major chakras. About 22 minor chakras and many minute ones.

When one meditates there is more light available. More light comes into this universe where we currently reside and also perhaps through our "prison cell" of flesh and temporary limitation.

This light which we open to in meditation passes through our equipment. Where more people Meditate Science has proven crime falls. And though conflict still exists (since we live in a 4th plane harmony through conflict universe) it can be minimized, utilized, diffused, learned from, redirected and more. The light from God fills our being and Universe and humans can remember their full possible and fully unfold it.

For this day and age the heart center and above are the main focus -- according to one esoteric path. (Not what whatever at Esalen has said to me). The old way embraced all the Chakras. You don't have to do anything, necessarily for obvious chakras to open. It is recommended you don't do whatever -- don't try to make them open or there could be consequences to you of an adverse nature (Kundalini arising too soon when your frequency/voltage isn't build up high sufficient -- so to speak). And undoubtedly don't mess with other peoples' energy. I just want you to be aware of where the seven power centers certainly are (the literature can be conflicting or confusing or erroneous). But Chakras often open by themselves, correctly, when one prays and meditates (and does yoga and or tai chi). We are power beings.

Esalen has its own round house over a stream used for meditation. Many windows surrounded by green nature. There are many forms of meditation. I think Vipassana meditation (silence) is practiced most there (but am uncertain if that "formless form" is the lawful one). Once I witnessed ten or so people all doing dissimilar meditations at the same time. Other times we all did the same one. The space is (or was intended) solely for Meditation (not sleeping, not talking, not eating).

People have Spiritual Emergencies all the time -- which is why Stan Grof co-created the Spiritual accident Network I think. colse to 1982 I visited Esalen for my 2nd workshop there with Groff. Sitting with gorgeous Marilyn while she breathed (and she sat for me too) was part of the practice.

I am watching my thoughts and allowing them to quite down. We waste a lot of power when we talk. Silence is golden. And the Golden sunrise is slowly reaching my Golden Ajna center (a small golden sun 3 inches in front of the forehead). This sense of well being I touch when I meditate is available to everyone.

One of the reasons we are on this planet is to live up to the possible of "every man (and woman) a Christ" (-- like being). This existence continues until this is so with no one left out. A matter of choice. And choiceless awareness. (You might be able to substitute the "Station" of Christ with the word Krishna or Buddha or a Saint from a true Spiritual Religion).

My ajna center nearly opened the first time I noticed colse to 1978 and 1982. My "equipment" for deeper meditation had not been built, though at that time. That which I am sharing is learnt & remembered experience. It seems practicing slow Hatha yoga has a tremendously obvious result on the bodily and emotional bodies.

Seven years earlier while I was at Esalen in Stan Grof's "Transpersonal Psychology" workshop doing obvious breaths I felt my ajna center as a concentrated point -- an actual place. I did a painting and by focusing on the painting I felt "ajna" more and certainly put a dot on the forehead of a character in my painting (Silly Sy Ben) where the people from India put a spiritual sticker on their forehead. Now I have found out that attentiveness is a prelude to meditation. And in deed one definition of meditation is focused concentration. But I find that and all definitions lack. Your custom and touch is what matters.

Then in 1989 after leaving a Sunday aid and walking slowly colse to the grounds (Self Realization Fellowship in Pacific Palisades, California) after studying a few extra meditation breaths which I did for the next 6 right hours as I drove North alone to Coast Highway 1 in Big Sur. I got to Big Sur and Esalen and experienced lower Samadhi. I entered the grounds in a heightened state of awareness. Peace and bliss most profound was amplified by being and intending to be permanently more aware. It was an act of will. I did not have to respond phones or drive a car or order merchandise or deal with customers (my store was at its financial peak -- and I left an employee in charge).

The three workshops I took included one with Alan Watt's friend & Tai Ji master Al Huang.

After a weekend alone there the first course entitled "The Long Body," with Bill Roll, a important parapsychologist, began. What I most remember while the workshop was when we (all 11 of us) balanced and sensed each others Chakras. A vibration of perfection surrounded us. Bliss and peace and great intuition increased (at least for me). Everybody seemed to be supportive and loving.

One time I felt (I think) what a lady was experiencing when I was next to her. I felt a minute uneasy sharing her bubbling ecstasy within -- it was a unique never before felt sensation.

In my daily living I had temporarily transcended obvious things including care with eating (diet) (fasting) and lust and most desires.

I spent some quality time alone face spiraling (walking in arc-like-circles in a spiral instead of a right line because it felt natural) in slow request for retrial in circles in the light rain in the Tao one with everything. It felt great -- I was not cold -- others were bundled up -- this could inspire a great industrial about unwinding. (And enlightenment is about more than just feeling good. But in this occasion it was excellent just being and there were no other considerations.)

There was an absence of fear -- as obvious from my touch just prior to entering the class on the way to it. And certainly arriving in the class it was revealed that there was an accident on Highway One that delayed the instructor -- a fire (which got my imagination ((the subconscious)) active. And I said "he is fine and will be here soon." Later in the class I seemed to know what some participants were inwardly experiencing (because I experienced it too at the same time within me -- it was a minute shocking at the time -- but in retrospect quite astounding and I was all the time calm). At other times I did not try to tune in.

And I think 1982 and 1989 were perhaps called, at the least, "peak experiences." perhaps lower samadhi.

(Side note: The drive home was eventful. Driving North on highway 1 my tire blew out. So then I drove South and a dissimilar tire blew out again. Coincidence? Maybe not. Because a jogger ran by me followed by a van holding pace with him and on his tape deck was an Alan Watts lecture. The Bill Roll class was in "Watts," named for famed philosopher Alan Watts. These kind human's called a tow truck for me. And I was not gouged by the gas station.)

I returned to La and became infinitely more responsible with and for my daughter. This is not an understatement.


The ajna is a spiritual center if you make it so. (Through prayer and meditation.) I learned this from 1982 through 1996 and still so to a degree. This profound feeling of oneness did not diminish as I paid attentiveness to every thought, word, action, bite of food (amount and quality -- vegetarianism), and held obvious thoughts that were continuously obvious and spiritual. This profound touch lasted 6 months. And then by practicing Yoga and Meditation daily I kept the sense of "being in the Tao" for over ten years. Sixth ray chakra, ajna, is the chakra of devotion (to God). The Heart Chakra and Head or Crown Chakra are involved. The Head center is placed 3 inches above the head. And the real location of the heart center is three inches behind the back near the location of the heart. I felt it a minute higher at Esalen in the front. Mankind is taking, collectively, a new initiation.


I went for a astounding walk up a canyon containing fresh drinkable water. I call it my Zen walk. In 1982 I saw a excellent blue green geometric form floating with me. When I do this walk alone I wear old tennis shoes and sometimes walk barefoot. I shut my eyes and imagine (and feel as cold water shocks my system) the star filled universe surrounding me. And sustaining us and all that is. I look up and see the top of giant pine trees and hovering floating above that a gorgeous Hawk circling gliding in wind currents amidst the blue of the sky in the cool green primeval forest. Sound of roaring water.

I fall into the cold refreshing enlivening wetness of the steam. As the water carries me easily colse to rocks I imagine all as God. (More than just early religious conditioning). The sense of awe as my senses explode with joyful exuberance, color and aliveness at having landed in the water in my clothes only makes the fun of this touch more titillating. I surrender to the moment. I drink deep the water.

"Love comes from within and without." The Kingdom of Heaven is within you and all colse to you. You are the Kingdom. You are the Universe. You are the Cosmos. Be still and know that you are God. Meditate. I wonder why Cities exist. Touch some moss. Watched many insects. Saw innumerable mushrooms. Slowing down as awareness increases. Stillness. Profound silence.

Goosebumps but not too cold. Sunlight filters down to the multicolored forest floor. Sloshing onward in wet comfortable old tennis shoes and baggy black pants I walk colse to a big granite boulder feeling thankful for its existence. There are no worry thoughts today. I spot a reindeer it doesn't run away. Symphony of leaves stirs slowly in the cool crisp forest. The air cool on my skin and face. There are hundreds of mini waterfalls to splash and play in. Happy. Remove clothes lay in the sun. Watch birds. Rainbows and sparkles on spider webs. Bees busy doing their own thing. Butterfly lands on nose.

News at 11:00 the same on every channel. Phone rings -- you don't have to respond it. Unplug your phone. Open your mail less often. Pay the bills every 2-4 weeks. Cut up your credit cards.

End of part 1

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